Differences between botulinum toxin brands

Botulinum toxin is a cosmetic product which is produced by the bacteria ‘Clostridium Botulinum’. We know botulinum toxin from the brand BOTOX. Botulinum toxin type A is used to decrease or entirely eliminate wrinkles and facial lines. Besides, it also helps in treating migraines, sweaty armpits, hands and feet. It works by blocking signals in the nerve endings to muscles or sweat glands. All good, but what are the differences between botulinum toxin brands?
The 7 types of botulinum toxin
The seven main types of botulinum toxin are named from A to G. Only type A and B are used for medical purposes. Moreover, type A is the most potent type of botulinum toxin and it is used for cosmetic purposes. It affects muscles and causes paralysis. Type B is less potent than type A, and it only affects nerves.

4 types of type A: Ona, abo, inco, Pra
Manufacturers made different types of botulinum toxin type A for cosmetic purposes. Onabotulinum toxin A for example, is marketed under the brand name BOTOX. Whereas, abobotulinum toxin A is sold under the brand name Dysport or Azzalure. Furthermore, incobotulinum toxin A is advertised under the brand name Xeomin or Bocouture. Lastly, prabotulinum toxin A is marketed under the brand name Jeaveau. All these brands are FDA approved. There are more brands on the market, but not all known and no FDA approval.
Differences between botulinum toxin brands (most known brands)
Most of us don’t know what botulinum toxin is, but if you ask people what BOTOX is, most of them can answer. The person who ever heard about BOTOX, but did not have sucked any deeper information will answer: Hmmm…botox is used to fill the lips right? Of course it will not fill the lips, but relax the muscles. I’ve never tried botulinum toxin in the lips, so i do not know what kind of result it will give. Nonetheless, botulinum toxin is popular by the name BOTOX, because of the first brand BOTOX.
The unexperienced botulinum toxin receiver (patient), may not see the subtle differences between the botulinum toxin brands. He or she may see the differences if he/she tried different brands for many years. Let’s dive into the small, but main differences between the brands.
Little History
BOTOX was the first brand of botulinum toxin for medical and cosmetic treatments. It is for the first time approved by the FDA in 1989 for medical purposes. The company behind BOTOX is Allergan. Only in 2002 it was approved for cosmetic purposes. Dysport (also called Azzalure) on the other hand is founded by the company Galderma and approved by the FDA in 2009. Moreover, Xeomins’ (also called BOCOUTURE) first approval by the FDA was in 2011 and founded by the company Merz Institute. Finally, Jeaveau is the newest in it’s kind. This one is approved in 2019 and invented by the company Evolus.

1. Benefits of each
- BOTOX has large protective proteins with a molecular weight of 900 kDa. This feature makes this botulinum toxin a great way to treat smaller areas. This brand is more potent then the other brands. Botox does not spread much to the surrounding area and thus suitable for many purposes.
- Dysport has protective proteins too. While the botulinum toxin in Dysport has the same molecular weight as in BOTOX, the protective proteins in Dysport have different weights and thus not uniform. Dysport diffuses more when injected. This feature makes it more suitable to target larger areas, like the forehead muscles. Finally, with this brand you may see some result even after 24 hours!
- Xeomin/Bocouture has no protective proteins making it effective for always. Furthermore, generally fewer units are needed to see satisfying results. If you show signs of resistancy to BOTOX and Dysport, then Xeomin/Bocouture is the botulinum toxin brand to be.
- Jeaveau has the same molecular weight as BOTOX (900 kDa). This brand is the newest competitor to BOTOX and less expensive. This brand shows similar results to that of BOTOX.

2. Downsides of each
- BOTOX contains protective proteins. It might be good to treat smaller areas, but unfavourable when it comes to its effectiveness over time. The protective proteins might activate the immune system, triggering antibodies fighting the toxins. This event decreases the effectiveness of botulinum toxin in BOTOX after being treated frequently.
- DYSPORT. The same goes actually for Dysport too. As this brand also contains protective proteins, the effectiveness can be lost partially or totally over time. Moreover, Dysport contains cow’s milk protein and lactose. If you have allergy to one of these, then Dysport is not suitable for you. Lastly, some studies have shown that Dysport have less long results (3-4 months).
- XEOMIN/ BOCOUTURE takes longer (5-7 days) to see some first differences.
- JEAVEAU is the newest in the market. This means that there is less research done for this brand. Long term safety and effectiveness are less known.
Other botulinum toxin brands (Korean)
We already have mentioned the most known brands. But there are still many other brands to discuss. It may not be FDA approved, but that does not mean it is not effective or safe. On the contrary, Koreans are known for their cosmetics and cosmetic surgeries. In future blogs more brands will be discussed. Just in short i want to mention a few brands.
- Hutox is a korean brand. It is cheaper then most brands, but very similar to BOTOX. The molecular weight is approximately 900 kDa and high in purity (99.8%), compared to some other brands with a purity of 98.99%.

2. Innotox is another Korean brand. It is made possible by the company Medytox. They made the procedure more convenient for the doctor, as this brand is already dissolved and does not need further preparation. Even, it can be kept outside of the fridge for up to 2 weeks! The onset of action is very similar to Dysport, for the first results start just after few days or 24 hours.
More Korean brands…
Meditoxin (also sold under the brand names Neuronox, Botulift, Sias, and Cunox), Nabota and Coretox are other brands to discuss the next time. I hope you enjoyed the information in this blog and i hope you make the right decision to choose the right brand for you.
The four brands: BOTOX, Dysport, Jeuveau and Xeomin/ Bocouture are the most known botulinum toxin brands approved by the FDA. The basic ingredients are the same. There are small differences which may give you an indication to decide for the one or the other. In my office i see many patients/clients reliable to one specific brand. That is totally OKE. Look for the features what suites you best.
BOTOX is good to treat smaller areas, while Dysport is perfect to treat larger areas. The thing is, if you are allergic to lactose or cow’s milk proteins, then you need to choose for another brand instead of Dysport. Do you want to have results as quick as possible or do you want the results to stay longer? With this blog you can decide yourself.