What are the differences between (fatburning) lipoenzymes?

What are lipoenzymes? What are the differences between lipoenzymes? Do you know that these enzymes can save you from a liposuction surgery? Welcome to my blog about the differences in lipoenzyme brands. Here i talk about the different brands offering lipoenzymes with different ingredients or different ratios.
The history of using fat-killing lipoenzymes goes back to 1960. At this time, phosphatidylcholine was isolated for the first time. Back then it was used to treat embolism or prevent embolism by reducing fats. In 1980 an italian doctor, Dr. Sergio Maggiori, used phosphatidylcholine to reduce xantelasma with pretty good results. The Brazilian dermatologist, dr. Patricia Rittes, took this optimism one step further. She injected phosphatidylcholine in her own lower eyebags. Just in 2003 the German company, ‘Network Lipolysis’, surged in Europe and made medical research to phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid more accessible in the aesthetic field.
Today Kybella is the only approved lipoenzyme in the USA since 2015 for submental fat. In Canada Kybella is called Belkyra. Eventhough, nowadays doctors use Kybella or any other type of lipoenzymes for fatreductions almost everywhere on the body. Lipomas too can be treated with these fat-killers.
There are three types of lipoenzymes: deoxycholic acid lipoenzymes, phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes or a mix of both.
Losing weight with lipoenzymes?

Do you want to lose weight? Lipoenzymes are absolutely not meant to lose weight with! The purpose is to only melt the stubborn fat area(s) you can not lose eventhough you exercise and follow a diet or a healthy lifestyle. Sorry to say, but, it is not for people who are overweight/obese. To lose weight, start exercising and following a healthy diet. There are many ways to get in shape. If you still need some assistance
If you consider getting the lipoenzyme treatment, then it should be for contouring purposes.
Deoxycholic acid lipoenzymes

Deoxycholic acid is actually a bile acid found naturally in the body. The liver produces cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid. Bacterias in the intestine metabolizes cholic acid into deoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid into lithocholic acid. The function of deoxycholic acid is to emulsify fats for the absorption in the intestine.
When injected subcutaneously, it disrupts cell membranes in fat cells (adipocytes) and thus destroys fat cells locally. Then the disrupted fats are transported via the lymphatic system out of the body. With deoxycholic acid it is possible to give contour and improve the aesthetic appearance.
Phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes

Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid with choline attached to the molecule. Phospholipids are major components of cell membranes and so are phosphatidylcholines. These appear in humans, animals and plants, except for bacteria. Phosphatidylcholine serves as a source for choline. It is also found in eggs, soybeans and other foods.
Phosphatidylcholines facilitate the emulsification process of fats into tiny particles within the nanosphere. Thus it enables the absorption and transportation of fat. After subcutaneous injection, the fats (adipocytes) burst and increases the triaglycerol-rich lipoproteins.
Phosphatidylcholine is unapproved by the FDA in ‘dissolving’ fats in the aesthetic field. There are controversial studies in the effect of phosphatidylcholine only in burning local fats. A study from 2003 (Rittes PG, et al) showed lipolysis effect from phosphatidylcholine only, while a study done in 2008 (Park et al) nullified previous studies. Newer studies suggest (Tae Woo Jung et al.) again that phosphatidylcholine can burn fat on its own without damaging other tissues.
Deoxycholic acid or phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes or both?

A systematic review done in 2018 (Mohan K Thomas et al.) showed great effect of a cocktail from deoxycholic acid together with phosphatidylcholine for reducing unwanted fat deposits. But the question remains: which one is better, deoxycholic lipoenzymes, phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes or lipoenzymes containing both? It is quite hard to conclude if one or the other is the best. There is no such study yet who compares the effect. Till this date we know for sure that deoxycholine lipoenzymes work and is FDA approved and that there is less evidence for phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes. When mixed together, suddenly the phosphatidylcholine part could improve the overall results.
Brands using single Deoxycholic acid lipoenzymes
– Aqualyx
– Geolysis
– Desobody & Desoface
Brands using single Phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes
– Phosphatidylcholine 10
– MCcosmetics NY
– Innoaesthetics
– SRS (TM)
Brands using both deoxycholic acid and phosphatidylcholine lipoenzymes
– Lipostabil
A drug is considered safe and ready for use when there is FDA approval for the drug. This does not mean there can’t be any side effects. This also doesn’t mean that the other drugs should be considered unsafe. Eventhough, the main ingredient (deoxycholic) of Kybella and many other brands are the same, one is FDA approved and the other not. Lipostabil for example was meant to dissolve embolisms and not to dissolve local stubborn fats on the belly. The company warned not to inject for these purposes. Still, aesthetic clinics started using Lipostabil and saw a lot of improvements in the aesthetic appearance. Whenever you decide to be treated with a lipoenzyme, always consult a doctor. Never, ever be treated by a non-physician.
You may not need any liposuction. A lipoenzyme can help you with burning stubborn local fat. But, before you decide to be treated with one of those lipoenzymes, read about it. As shown in the references below, there are articles you might be interested in. Make your own research and consult a doctor.
A deoxycholic acid lipoenzyme or a combination of both deoxycholic acid and phosphatidylcholine might be a better choice then a phosphatidylcholine only lipoenzyme. Further studies might suggest differently. I’ll try to keep you informed.
Information above is only to inform you. It is not a medical or aesthetic advice. Consult your medical doctor or medical aesthetic doctor first before you make any decision.
- Thomas MK, D’Silva JA, Borole AJ. Injection Lipolysis: A Systematic Review of Literature and Our Experience with a Combination of Phosphatidylcholine and Deoxycholate over a Period of 14 Years in 1269 Patients of Indian and South East Asian Origin. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2018 Oct-Dec;11(4):222-228. doi: 10.4103/JCAS.JCAS_117_18. PMID: 30886477; PMCID: PMC6371720.
- Rittes PG. The use of phosphatidylcholine for correction of localized fat deposits. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2003;27(4):315-318. doi:10.1007/s00266-003-3033-y
- Park, Seung Ha M.D., Ph.D.; Kim, Deok Woo M.D.; Lee, Min Ah M.D.; Yoo, Sang Chul M.D.; Rhee, Seung Chul M.D.; Koo, Sang Hwan M.D., Ph.D.; Seol, Geun Hye R.N.; Cho, Eun Young A.N.. Effectiveness of Mesotherapy on Body Contouring. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 121(4):p 179e-185e, April 2008. | DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000304611.71480.0a
- Jung TW, Park T, Park J, Kim U, Je HD, Kim HD, Cho SW, Abd El-Aty AM, Song JH, Kim HC, Shin YK, Jeong JH. Phosphatidylcholine causes adipocyte-specific lipolysis and apoptosis in adipose and muscle tissues. PLoS One. 2019 Apr 8;14(4):e0214760. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214760. PMID: 30958839; PMCID: PMC6453443.
- Talathi A, Talathi P. Fat Busters: Lipolysis for Face and Neck. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2018 Apr-Jun;11(2):67-72. doi: 10.4103/JCAS.JCAS_59_18. PMID: 30210208; PMCID: PMC6128158.